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What Causes Website Slowdown?

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Why is your business website moving so slowly? Do you feel like you are losing customers because of how maddeningly slow everything moves on the site? You might even know that Google’s search engine algorithm will penalize your site for long loading times. If you experience this problem, it can hurt your business.

We have some helpful ideas to deal with website slowdown that can keep your business site running smoother and faster, causing much less annoyance to your customers.

Too Many Images

The biggest offender in website slowdown tends to come from graphics on the page. If you have too many pictures trying to load at once, then your site could move very slow. If you have even been to a website that has a lot of images on it, you can see this happening there. That happens to even the biggest and best websites, because there is no getting around how much processing power it takes to show images.

Now, there are some tricks you can use to make your page load faster. One of the best is to prioritize images, so that the page only loads the ones in view at the top of the page first. Then, as the user scrolls down the page, the other images will start to load.

You can also get rid of some images or simplify some of them to lower their resolution or make them smaller. All of these small tricks will help to speed up the load times until your page starts to move at the right speed.  

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Power Draining Advertisements

You need ads to keep your website making money, in many instances, but you also need to control what kind of ads are on the site. You don’t want to offend our customers as they visit the site, first of all, and you don’t want to annoy them with ads that take up too much power and load slowly.

Why would someone want to wait for your page to load if they know that it is the ads that are causing the trouble? They will just go somewhere else. You need to be careful that the ads you allow are not draining too much memory from your site and taxing the internet excessively. Look out for ads with lots of images or with video and sound in them These can be annoying and can cause the page to load slowly. The ads either need to be optimized for your page or should be replaced with something simpler.

Too Much Info on One Page

Your problem could come down to having too much stuff on a single page. The home page does not have to be the only page on the site, and you need to figure out what has to be on that page and what can be moved to another page that links back to the home page. The home page needs to be able to load very fast, so it might be necessary to move some things around and help its loading speed.

Cleaning up your home page and the other pages on the site is important. You will want to do this from time to time to keep things running smoothly. It can be a lot of work to keep up with all the cleaning up that has to be done on the site. You may need to spend extra time there and may not have time for the chores you want to get done. Why not hire professional home cleaners in San Jose rated by customers as excellent?

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Cleaning up the site is vital to keeping it running well, and hiring someone to clean your home while you keep up with the site will help you to prioritize what is important.

Getting rid of clutter on the site also makes it more appealing. It gives your customers less to be distracted by and helps them to focus where you want them to focus.

Check the captions and descriptions on images and for the page itself to make sure that they are not so long that they slow things down and not so short that they hurt your search engine ranking.

Poor Coding

A lot of times, the problem is on the coding side of the website. You can change up as many buttons and as much content as you want on the site, but if your coding is less than great, you will have some problems with slowdown. There could be many reasons for this.

The most likely is that there is a lot of code just hanging around on the site that never got deleted and that isn’t being used. That slows down the loading speed. The issue could be that your page has not been properly optimized and that you are using far too long code where it isn’t necessary.

The code used on your site may be something you don’t feel comfortable trying to alter. That’s okay, and you can bring in an expert to deal with it. Let someone who is experienced and who knows what they are doing take a look at your website code. They may be able to clean it up for you and make some recommendations on how to speed things up for site loading.

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If you cannot keep someone on staff who can handle the coding, then try to have your website code examined every few months and then especially when you notice slowdown. You should always be checking the user side of things, particularly when you make any significant changes to the site. See how those changes affect the load times and what the experience is like for the users on the site. This way, you can locate problems early and not let them get out of hand.

Your website loading speed is very important to your business. If your site takes a long time to load, you can chase customers away without even knowing it. Be sure to improve this aspect of your site as much as possible.

About Post Author


Appeio is a tech enthusiast and gamer who loves to write about the latest news and trends in the industry. He has been writing for over 5 years and has published articles on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, IGN, and GameSpot. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping them stay up-to-date on the latest tech news. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with his family.
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