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Catch Phrase Lessons For Surviving in the Tech World

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Staying ahead of the curve in the tech industry requires hard work and forward-thinking. It is not enough to be the earliest one in the office anymore. Today, you have to be aware of what is happening across the globe as innovation and change are a regular part of daily news reports. To be a trendsetter rather than a follower, you must make intelligent decisions based on what you know and don’t. The good news is that others have been laying the foundational blocks of success for generations. So, rather than reinventing the wheel, learn from what has been proven true. 

Turn Struggles Into Strengths

Before technology involved high-speed internet and hand-held personal computers, innovators took the form of fighters who gave viewers insights into their pain and made their experiences relevant. Beethoven overcame deafness, and Marie Curie succeeded despite being a woman in a male-dominated field. Both of them were fueled by a passion. If you are driven, but what you want is not coming easy, turn to Frida Kahlo quotes and find inspiration in her words. Through her battle with polio, thirty surgeries and a broken marriage, she found beauty because she refused to give in. Look at what might keep others down and choose to make it your groundwork. 

The Obstacle is the Path

Similarly, when you encounter a stumbling block, do not turn away. When you have a vision for the product you want to create or the audience you want to attract, be the person who does not accept no. Step back and pause, or take a short break to regroup, but do not feel you need to explore an entirely different endeavor. The biographies of people who triumphed where others may have collapsed may give you fresh energy and help you press on. Whatever stands in front of you could be the answer you are looking for, so do not discount it too quickly.

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Be Brave, Take Risks

Kids are taught to be safe at a young age, and while that is excellent advice, sometimes the best way to establish yourself is to move confidently. Regardless of if you are a rookie blogger or a gaming expert, you will not stay in the spotlight if you do not stand out. You might want to try promoting a different perspective on a popular topic or advocating for a cause you believe in, even if others do not. If you conduct some research, you can take calculated risks. For example, as a travel influencer, if you recognize that people favor island destinations, find a less frequented place and be the first to call it out.

Stop Waiting, Start Doing

Once you have considered your options and done your homework, it is important to act. Word-of-mouth and networking are traditional ways to advance your platform and your career, but if you do not take the initiative, no one is likely to seek you out. Likewise, when you see a need, figure out how to fulfill it. Perhaps you love spin classes, but there is no gym in your area. Reach out to a bank, investigate small business loans, conduct a public survey and open your own facility. Shake off the fear that you are too young, or too old or too anything.  Find inspiration in the story of Robin Borlandoe

Don’t Mistake an Opportunity for a Failure

Nearly everyone knows that Michael Jordan was cut from his first basketball team. Years later, when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame, he referred to that moment as one of the most galvanizing setbacks of his life. It is ok to be disappointed, but the let-down cannot end the journey. Let it be your first thought in the morning and the last note you take at night.

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You will probably notice a consistent theme in these suggestions for surviving in the tech world. In a nutshell, you must remember first, don’t give up; second, don’t give up and third, don’t give up.


About Post Author


Appeio is a tech enthusiast and gamer who loves to write about the latest news and trends in the industry. He has been writing for over 5 years and has published articles on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, IGN, and GameSpot. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping them stay up-to-date on the latest tech news. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with his family.
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