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7 Ways To Remove Emotional Barriers

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Almost everyone has experienced a moment in their lives when their emotions have gotten the best of them. As much as some may hate to admit, controlling emotions can be tough to deal with. Sure, there’s a power that comes with positive emotional barriers like happiness as it can motivate you, guide you, and keep you grounded. On the contrary, negative emotional barriers are anger, stress, anxiety, pride, and depression, among others. These could lead you astray when you’re unable to check and control them.

Emotional barriers are roadblocks to whatever it is you want to accomplish. Although you may feel like it’s an effective defense mechanism, these barriers will only make your life more challenging. It’s time to remove your emotional barriers by applying these invaluable tips:

1. Apply Some Relaxation Techniques 

The feelings of anxiety usually come in small forms, but they gradually build up. And the next thing you know, they’re already eating you alive. You can override this anxiety by using relaxation techniques. Any person who wants to manage their anxiety better can begin by doing relaxation exercises.

You need to take time to reflect and process your emotions. When you do this, you’ll be able to access positive energy that can battle your anxious feelings. There’s no need to limit yourself to just one activity when it comes to relaxation. You can do yoga, have a quick run outdoors, do meditation, or use past lives regression therapy. All these methods should allow you to overcome your symptoms and help manage anxiety. 

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Although a mental health professional should treat some anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias, there are milder and daily routine anxieties that can be managed with relaxation exercises.

You’ll experience anxiety from time to time, and your ability to manage it depends on how well you carry on with your life. Consider meditating and taking natural breaks for fresh air. You’ll realize how much these activities will benefit you. And if you’re up for it, try hypnosis to resolve anxiety issues.

2. Focus Your Attention On The Prize 

It’d help to keep your focus on your goal of being on the right track, so remind yourself every day about your vision and your purpose. Doing this will uplift your spirit and revitalize your mind. This also provides you with hope and affirmation for what you want to accomplish. Staying focused on your forecasted results will motivate you to do well on your journey. You’ll be able to pep talk yourself positively when you keep your eyes on the prize. 

3. Accept Your Imperfections

Practice accepting yourself for who you are, including your flaws and imperfections. Pride can be perceived as arrogance or conceit, but it often stems from insecurity. Some people abuse their authority and try to belittle others because they feel insecure about themselves. One way to avoid feeling this way is to love yourself for who you really are. 

Accept it and cut yourself some slack when someone else has a better idea or has done a better job than you. Nobody’s perfect, and you’re allowed to make mistakes, just like everyone else does. Having a sense of humility sometimes makes communicating with you much more accessible. 

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4. Take Some Time To Cool Off When You’re Angry 

Have you ever wondered why couples don’t speak to each other when they’re angry? They’d do something else separately and cool off so they won’t have to start spewing hateful words to each other. This strategy or couple advice might not apply to everyone, but it sure is one trick for some couples. You should know what not to say when your loved one is upset. 

Removing yourself from the situation will enable you to cool your anger down. If you’re still upset, you may not be able to process logical statements. Take a moment to calm yourself down and reassess so you can see what’s happening more clearly. Upon returning, you can finally handle the situation better and communicate peacefully. In turn, you’ll be able to make smart decisions. This tip applies to all aspects of your life.

5. Give Yourself Credit For The Small Wins 

Make sure to achieve small goals every day to build momentum and keep yourself moving. While setting long-term goals and aiming high has its merits, setting realistic tasks that you can achieve with hard work is more powerful. Setting ambitious goals with longer timeframes can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out sometimes. So, save yourself from these negative emotions and focus on your present instead. 

Whatever task you’ve achieved today means you’re a step closer to achieving your ultimate goal. Hence, it’s worth celebrating such small wins. 

6. Request For Empathetic Feedback From Others 

Don’t overburden yourself with expectations. Instead, ask others for their honest but empathetic feedback, so you’d gain a productive and inspired mindset. Humans need to hear acknowledgment, praise, and compliments to fuel them up and be inspired to do what they do. This is also the reason why companies have reward systems in place. Even the best employee or leader in the company needs feedback from others to continue improving. 

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7. Start Opening Yourself Up

You can also begin removing barriers by being brave and letting someone get emotionally close to you, which can help accelerate the process. Sharing a vulnerable topic with your family or friends could be a challenge. Talking about your feelings and expressing yourself emotionally will allow you to open up. 

The more you do this, the more comfortable you’ll become. Upon establishing trust with someone close to you, you can feel confident and less fearful about the relationship. Your barriers have broken down, and you can establish trust as you nurture the friendship together. 


Understanding how your emotions work and managing them would help you overcome emotional barriers. Negative emotions like anger, pride, fear, and anxiety can all be eliminated as long as you gain control of them. Hopefully, the tips mentioned in this article will help you move forward in being more open to people, whether in a professional or personal setting. 


About Post Author


Appeio is a tech enthusiast and gamer who loves to write about the latest news and trends in the industry. He has been writing for over 5 years and has published articles on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, IGN, and GameSpot. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping them stay up-to-date on the latest tech news. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with his family.
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