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12 New Innovative Marketing Methods for year 2020

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Do you feel that the marketing strategies you depend on are becoming old or boring, are you looking for new and different marketing methods to revive the sales of your products and services?

If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place, whatever your field of work or interest:

  • An entrepreneur who wants to increase sales of your brand and spread it among people.
  • Specialized in social media marketing and want to make better use of it.
  • You have a business or service and want to increase your sales and profits in different ways.

Certainly one of the new and innovative marketing methods that you will find here. Mississauga SEO Company will help you to increase people’s awareness of your brand and increase their affiliation with it.

Some of the ways and strategies you will get to know:

  • Using podcasts to promote.
  • How to make customers a part of your brand.
  • How to get customers to create great free content that you use in ads.
  • Using the idea of ​​the Bundles to promote products and collaborate with different brands.
  • Using live broadcasts to promote.

And other new strategies and marketing methods that we will simply present to you with many practical examples until the idea becomes clear to you … Let’s start showing our list of new and innovative marketing methods.

1. Make customers a part of your brand

One of the new marketing methods currently is to provide a different and interesting experience for your customers, by making them a part of your brand, and involving them in everything.

There are a lot of ideas for using this new method of marketing, let me show it to you with a few practical examples:

a). Backstage your client’s tour

Take one of your clients on a tour indoors (for example, where to prepare food in a restaurant), and have them photograph and share this experience with their friends and followers.

This way the customer will feel more confident, you are not hiding anything from him, and this will also help you to publish your brand on social media completely free and funky.

b). Make the customer who creates the product himself

In one of the coffee shops in America there is a dedicated day in the week in which the owner of the store allows customers to make their coffee.

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This special experience makes the shop very crowded on that day because most customers bring their friends and family to share this different and distinctive experience in their favorite store.

This way the customer feels that he is part of the brand, that he is at home, and that enhances your brand strength… so why don’t you do the same thing in your shop?

c). Make the customer sell

Similar to the previous example, some shops use some customers to place employees to introduce products themselves to other customers as a kind of humor and fun.

Imagine that you own a clothing store, and you make a small competition among your followers on Social Media, and the winner will get a gift product when he comes to the store and himself will help you sell some products.

It will be a different and distinct experience, especially if you have a good number of followers … Also, this type of publication and competition spread like wildfire on social media … and all of this is free advertising for you.

2. Make assemblies for your products and services at special prices

One of the new marketing methods that have recently spread is creating assemblies of products and services called Packaging or Bundling.

For example, if you sell skincare products, why not collect a complete set of your products, such as:

  • Hand lotion
  • Face wash
  • Moisturizing cream for the skin
  • shampoo

And you package them in one carton and sell them to customers for less than they would pay if they bought each product individually, this method achieves excellent results currently in the sale of all products and services.

Even if you sell digital products, you can use this simple yet effective way to increase your sales and thereby increase profits.

3. Make assemblies for more than one product on the market in a special package for your customers only

This method is similar to the previous method in marketing, but the difference is that you will compile different products from the market to complement your products.

Let’s continue with the previous example since you sell skincare products when you combine some other products that you do not manufacture:

  • shaving tools
  • Deodorant
  • Various hair care products

This new method of marketing has many benefits, such as:

  • Connect the customer with you more, as you provide him with everything he needs in one place.
  • Building relationships with different brands and brands, which is a win-win situation.
  • Having a bigger market segment in your field, which opens the door for you to invest, you may buy some other brands or even enter into partnership contracts with them.

Try this method of marketing no matter the size of your products or services. Even if you work in the field of self-employment, you can use the same method to increase your profits and build strong relationships in the field in which you work.

4. Depend on podcasts

One of the new marketing channels that have become present in the Arab world in recent times is Podcasts, due to the popularity of people on them.

The podcast is one of the photos of the content industry (like the radio, but you don’t need radio stations to broadcast the episodes, because you depend on the internet).

Many platforms host these types of content such as:

  • Itunes platform
  • Soundcloud platform
  • SimpleCast platform
  • Product application

And other platforms that enable audio content makers to post what they want at any time, and also enables the audience to listen to episodes anytime, anywhere.

As you indicated, there is a great demand for podcasts, so you should use it to promote your brand, either by creating your podcast.

Or by cooperating with the providers of this type of content to help you in promoting, especially if they have an audience that fits your services.

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You can also make ads before you start listening to the podcast itself or while you are talking, with the same idea as radio ads, but with modern advertising tools from targeting and the following analytics.

5. Do competitions to create the best content on social media for your customers

Competitions on social media is not a completely new idea, but what is new here is the method of the competitions themselves, because this time the idea is competitions in the content industry.

Suppose, for example, that you sell clothes to girls. Imagine if you did competition among your followers for the best people who use your clothes in making the best clothes coordination.

And the winner will get a voucher to purchase from your store, imagine what happens next:

  • Many girls will be quick to participate in the competition and master the coordination of clothes.
  • Many of them will share the competition between friends.
  • The interactivity with your content will increase and you will get more followers.
  • Awareness of your brand will increase.
  • You will achieve higher sales.
  • You will get free audience content, which you can then use for various ads and promotions.

There are many ideas for competitions among your audience, the most important being to make the idea about creating content, so that it is easy to participate and at the same time put your brand in the content.

Also, this method is almost suitable for most fields. As long as you are looking for new marketing methods, this means that you have a presence on social media, so why not take advantage of this presence and increase the volume of interaction.

6. Depend on the live broadcast in the promotion

One of the constant trends in 2020 is live broadcasting, because people love personal communication on social media, whether with their friends or even with the brands and companies they prefer.

For this, make a live broadcast from time to time, for example:

  • You make a live broadcast of the scenes of your service or an important event in the company.
  • Have one of your employees do a live broadcast to answer questions and communicate with customers.
  • Notify a discount or special offer that will only be offered in live broadcasts to make more people follow the broadcast.

This method is suitable for almost all fields, especially if you provide a service and your customers need continuous support from you, so why not provide them to them and also market them with other offers and products and increase their loyalty to you at the same time.

7. Use old marketing techniques in a modern style

One of the oldest methods of marketing, distributing promotional advertisements, and making banners in the streets, can add a few touches to improve their results.

What do you think if you design infographics with some important information and instructions that your audience needs, and then distribute them to them, will this not increase your awareness about your brand?

When you use this method, the person receiving the infographic will not feel that it is receiving a promotional card, but rather a paper designed in an attractive way and with information that is important to it.

This is what will make him value your brand, and will be your loyal customer in the future. This method has no limit on the ceiling of creativity.

Infographic design is very simple, and if I have no previous experience with it, I advise you to read the following articles, in which you will find all the information you need to design an infographic attractively.

8. Create a library at the place where you provide your service

One of the best new marketing methods that are currently spreading in service delivery stores such as restaurants, cafes, etc. is to place some books in the place of providing the service.

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If you sell any service or product and require the customer to wait, why not put him some popular and entertaining books that he can read for free while waiting.

I know some of the entrepreneurs who have tried this method and have achieved good results with them in a short time, especially since the idea of ​​books makes the customer more attached to your place and frequent it.

All this means an increase in profits, which is the goal of marketing.

9. Print T-shirts with your brand and distribute them to your customers for free

This method is not entirely new, but I liked to put it here because many entrepreneurs do not know how strong it affects clients.

Always remember that people generally love anything for free, and even feel very happy when you get it. So what if this was a piece of clothing?

And you and we know very well that whenever your company is a reason for the client’s happiness, this means free advertising, because this customer will talk about your brand in front of everyone he knows, not to mention wearing the T-shirt on which your trademark is.

Printing and distributing t-shirts is inexpensive, and if you feel that your budget does not allow it you can print other products such as notebooks, hats, tassels, or paper labels.

As long as its design is attractive and the customer will get it for free, it will achieve the desired results.

10. Write a handwritten thank-you letter to your clients

There are many statistics on digital marketing, which indicate that personalizing when communicating with customers produces excellent results.

Note: I advise you to read “ Digital Marketing Trends in 2020 ” if you want to know a lot of information and statistics about the most important trends in marketing that you should pay attention to.

If you make this effort to place a simple handwriting thank-you letter within the product that the customer has purchased from you, this will have a positive impact on him and he will also feel grateful.

You can also place some discounts or offers by hand that you allocate to him, especially if he purchases more than one product at one time.

All of this increases the percentage of customer loyalty to you, which is what any company or organization seeks because the cost of obtaining a new customer is much higher than making an old customer buy from you again.

11. Republish and comment on good content from various sources

This new method of marketing relies on content marketing and social media marketing simultaneously to promote your brand.

Imagine if your company’s official account republished any content from an influencer in your field, or even to other companies or brands, what would your audience feel when they saw it?

And another question, what will these influencers do when they see that you value their content? … I think you know the answer.

You can also use this idea in all content images:

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Publications on communication sites

The more you create and add your touch to this content, the better results you will achieve because then people will feel that your brand is like an account of an influencer in the field.

They will treat your brand as a source of useful information, and all this increases awareness and thus increases your chances of getting new customers other than renewing trust with your existing customers.

12. Create simple web applications for your audience

Let’s say you work in health and fitness, and you make a simple tool on your site to calculate calories in foods and diets.

Don’t you think that this simple tool will bring many visits to your site … whether through search engines or by sharing the tool on social media?

There are many shapes and images of simple web applications that you can use, and there are some companies online that offer you ready-made templates for these tools so that you can use them easily without having to design them yourself.

You can also use a programmer to make the tool you want. If you rely on a blog to promote your brand, I advise you to try this new method of marketing.

And if I wanted to tell you how to use this method in more detail, let me know in the comments, and I will, God willing, make a complete guide on how to make web applications and the best tools to help you in making them.

Marketing is a big sea, and the more you shriek in it the more you find a lot of hidden treasures, so you have to always sail in this sea and try to discover those treasures and benefit from them.

After discovering new marketing methods through this article, I hope that one of them will be a treasure for you.


About Post Author


Appeio is a tech enthusiast and gamer who loves to write about the latest news and trends in the industry. He has been writing for over 5 years and has published articles on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, IGN, and GameSpot. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping them stay up-to-date on the latest tech news. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with his family.
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