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Useful recommendations from the Instagram world 

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There are those who are out to buy Instagram followers because it seems Instagram is overtaking Facebook rapidly when it comes to popularity especially with the Gen Z. Majority of people are becoming famous on Instagram and it is becoming a go to place for artists, influencers, musicians, entertainers, actors, coaches, business people, and anyone who hopes to grow an audience. 

But the algorithm of the site is stack, favoring already popular accounts and posts. That is why; it doesn’t come as a surprise when people start looking for ways of achieving organic growth. One way of boosting an account might be to go for the buy Instagram followers and likes, which you can do in an affordable manner. In addition to having to increase engagements, the following is some of the recommendations which are useful from the world of Instagram.

In case you are planning to monetize your Instagram feed, you have to use a business account

From your account setting, it is possible to easily switch to having a business account. Even if you are an influencer or blog, it is possible to do that. Once the account status is changed, you can start to create ads without the use of Facebook and at the same time, utilize their insight analytics in learning more regarding audience and the way you can be able to appeal to them. You need to spend some time to track changes which can end up helping you to come up with better decisions regarding your content in future.

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Be unique from the rest

There are over 25 million business profiles found on Instagram and more than that number of influencers in majority of the niches. It is necessary that you try figuring out a proposition for selling which is what you are going to offer your audience which the rest of those in your space are not offering. 

If you are blank, you might consider coming up with a hook which is unique to set you unique from the rest. If you aren’t sure of what you should come up with, you can start off by looking at what other successful Instagrammer in your space are up to. Try figuring out what each of them do which is different from what you do.

Take time to schedule your posts

There is a lot of information which is out there regarding the worst and the best time that you should post on Instagram and other social media platforms. Generally, it might be good to post during working hours. 

That is due to the fact that, everyone who is at work has a likelihood of being on Instagram. It is also believed that, Mondays through Thursdays might be the ideal days of posting. Others suggest that 8 am to 9am and at 2am might be the correct times of the day to do the posting. 

So what do you need to do? Your audience might differ from the normal scheduling and thus, the best you can do is to test out various times. Use an app for scheduling which can be used to set your content to go up at whatever time. 

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You can try posting at 8.30am throughout the week, then try out 3pm the following week and find out what happens. Get to know which one works for you using the analytics on your business account. 

You can as well rotate different days in the week to find out which one works best. On the overall, even though there are the preferred timings, you could end up finding out that, your luck lies at 7pm or other times which are off-peak.

Focus on the metrics which are right to track

On the low, you need to track followers and growth engagement and the posts which are most liked. Above the numbers, you need to put together a list of the posts which are most popular for the past month or last three months and try to study them to find out what they have in common. Is it that all or most of them have hashtags which are the same? 

It could be that the pictures are similar or there could be a similar theme like conversations which starts with questions, humor, or even the person who you had to tag. There are the type of insights which you cannot get from checking a graph but you can utilize your data in finding a good place where you can start from.

Coming up with your own hashtag

If you try to promote yourself or the business you are running, coming up with a hashtag which is branded might be a great promotional tool to go for, which you can combine with other efforts. You could be aiming for something catchy and fun, that people would eagerly want to share.  It will at the same time help if you try to add incentives like asking your audience to go ahead and share a picture or a story that is related to the hashtag you have.

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Shouldn’t forget geotags 

Posts which include a location which is tagged tend to have a higher engagement as compared to those that don’t have a location. You don’t need to tag each photo with geotags but you can place it on two posts each week. It is likely going to help you in widening your audience to the people in that local area who could not otherwise have come across the content.

Building relationships which are strategic with other Instagram users

Most people are familiar with influencers. You might be struggling to grow your account for the purposes of being an influencer. But the popular posters can be of help to enable you gain popularity if they go ahead and tag you. You can come up with a list of influencers who are popular available in your space, interact, and follow them. Make genuine, strategic comments on some of the pictures which they post. 


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