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Massaging Gun Chronicles - Trigger Point Therapy For Back Pain - Appeio
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Health & Fitness

Massaging Gun Chronicles – Trigger Point Therapy For Back Pain

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The number of people with back pain is staggering, and it’s not hard to see why. Surveys show that approximately 80% suffer from chronic or acute cases, making this one of the most common reasons individuals seek out acupuncture therapy services to alleviate their discomfort.

Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice, first developed nearly 3,000 years ago in China. The process involves applying pressure to various points across one’s body. Today, some scientists believe it helps encourage the flow of vital energy called Qi that connects all organs within the body.

Scientists have verified that acupressure with hands or a massaging gun is a treatment to relieve pain. It works by releasing endorphins and muscle tension-reducing properties, which are natural relief mechanisms in your body.

Pressure Points That Help With Back Pain

The most popular form of self-care is massage. In massage therapy, therapists or healers would use their hands or a massaging gun and slow-spray oils to relieve pain from various conditions like arthritis or back problems without having you move around too much. At the same time, they work on different areas with a deep tissue pressure point technique that helps promote blood circulation and relaxation.

There’s more than one way, though – while some say there are over 400 acupressure points across arms, legs, etc., we will not discuss them all. Instead, most people believe five points stand out as important for back problems, listed as follows.

●    Stomach Point

The location of your stomach point is approximately two fingers from the base of your belly button.

The ‘Sea of Energy’ is a term used in traditional Chinese medicine to describe the Stomach Point. Firm pressure applied at this point can strengthen abdominal muscles, which may help eliminate lower back problems before they occur.

●    Lower Back Point

The lower back point is a bit more challenging to reach than most people think. It’s located about two or three vertebrae down from the base of your spine, and it can be challenging if you have weak ankles because they will give out first.

The Lower Back Point also called the Sea of Vitality, is a crucial point that offers relief from lower back pain and sciatica. Through hands or a massaging gun, pressure applied here will provide you with quick results.

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●    Hip bone Points

The most significant bone in your body is the spine. The Hipbone Points are located about two fingers down from where we find this sizable bony area below the hips.

Also called Womb and Vitals, applying gentle pressure on these hip bone points will help relieve you of hip pain, lower back problems, sciatica, and pelvic stress.

●    Knee Points

The Knee Back Points are located at the back center of your knee.

Referred to as the Commanding Middle, applying firm pressure on the knee back points will help reduce stiffness in your back and knee pain, among other things.

●    Hand Points

Lie on a flat surface with your hands facing up and apply pressure to the area between the thumb and index finger, where your hand points are located. Repeat three times each for one minute until it feels better.

The Hand Point is a strange but interesting technique for reducing back pain. The pointy finger on your hand can reduce stress and stiffness in the spine, which would otherwise cause horrible discomfort. Apply firm pressure here with your fingers, causing an acupuncture-like effect that will help you feel better fast.

Some Final Thoughts

Although traditional acupuncture is typically carried out by professionals who insert thin needles into specific points across the body, you can create a similar effect for pain relief by applying firm pressure to these exact locations with your hand or a massage device. The massaging gun is a portable, hand-held device that administers non-invasive acupressure treatments. It has been shown to provide relief from pain more effectively than other methods, and anyone can use it.

However, if you suffer from chronic back pain or a weak spine, please do not apply pressure to any of the acupuncture points described. Instead, consult with an expert first for specialist advice.

About Post Author


Appeio is a tech enthusiast and gamer who loves to write about the latest news and trends in the industry. He has been writing for over 5 years and has published articles on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, IGN, and GameSpot. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping them stay up-to-date on the latest tech news. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with his family.
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Appeio is a tech enthusiast and gamer who loves to write about the latest news and trends in the industry. He has been writing for over 5 years and has published articles on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, IGN, and GameSpot. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge with others and helping them stay up-to-date on the latest tech news. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, watching movies, and spending time with his family.

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