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How to Choose the Best Teeth Retainers?

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Do you know what happens when your braces come off? You have to wear retainers. A retainer is an orthodontic device that is mainly used after removing braces. This dental Teeth appliance functions to protect the work that your braces have accomplished.

Retainers help your teeth stay in shape and maintain the new and best position. If you do not wear a retainer following orthodontic treatment, your teeth will lose their shape and appear crooked again.

Do you know how you can choose the best teeth retainers? Are you aware of the factors you need to consider before selecting a retainer for your teeth? If not, this article is worth reading for you. Here we will share a few essential factors that you must keep in mind while choosing the retainers for your teeth.

Types of Retainers

Retainers can be of two distinct types, i.e., fixed retainer and removable retainer.

·         Fixed Retainer

Fixed retainers are also called permanent retainers. You have to wear fixed retainers all the time. Once these retainers are installed, you won’t even feel that the retainers are there. These retainers are not visible like braces.

·         Removable Retainers

As the name implies, removable retainers can be taken off at times of eating or other such activities. Most people feel this idea quite appealing that the retainers can be taken off when needed and prefer choosing removable retainers.

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However, the removability may offer its unique disadvantages. For example, you may forget to put these retainers back and misplace them. Also, if you do not wear a SportingSmiles retainers for recommended hours per day, your teeth may shift back to their wrong position again. Resultantly, you will have to wear braces again.

How to Choose the Best Retainers for Your Teeth?

Here are a few factors to consider while choosing the best retainers for your teeth.

·         Effectiveness

Generally, both types of retainers (fixed and removable) are effective when used properly. The effectiveness is dependent on your habits. For example, if you clean the retainer regularly, you will get maximum effectiveness from your retainer. Make sure you are using the retainers as per your dentist’s recommendations. Otherwise, the results won’t be as you expect.

·         Convenience

This is an important consideration. How well your retainer performs is dependent on your habits. So, you will always want a retainer that offers convenience, depending on your lifestyle.

Permanent retainers are usually considered a convenient option because the patient does not have to do too much apart from maintaining good oral health. However removable retainers need to clean regularly, but they do not come in your way when you want to eat, brush, or floss your teeth. So, depending on your convenience and lifestyle, you can choose the one that most suits your requirements.

·         Appearance

Most users give significant importance to the appearance of their retainers. Clear retainers are invisible, which means you can easily wear them at any time. No one will notice that you are wearing a retainer. The same is true for permanent retainers because, in that case, the wire is positioned at the back of your front teeth.

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Hawley retainers are the types of retainers that are more visible. For such retainers, the wires cross the front teeth. Most users prefer wearing them when they are not in public or when they are sleeping.

·         Durability

Both permanent and fixed retainers are applauded for their durability. However, clear retainers are less durable. If you are habitual of grinding your teeth, consult your dentist before choosing the best retainers.

Final Words

Wearing retainers is essential once your braces come off. Retainers help keep your teeth in their original positions and do not allow them to lose their path again. If you have undergone orthodontic treatment and are planning to choose retainers for your teeth, consider the factors discussed above to select the best product for your teeth Read More

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